Picture free money sitting in a bank waiting to help you pay for college. There are thousands of scholarships that no one applies to. There are a few requirements per scholarship but they all vary. Look at the links appropriate to you grade in the above menu to find a list of specific scholarships.
TIP: Become a pro at searching for scholarships and do it often!
Create profiles with these sites:
Here are other helpful sites:
TIP: Become a pro at searching for scholarships and do it often!
Create profiles with these sites:
- Collegeboard (search, here)
- (Create a profile, click here)
- College Green Light (create a profile, click here)
- (create a profile-here)
- Scholly
Here are other helpful sites:
- Asian Pacific Fund: For more info, click here.
- Hispanic Scholarship Fund: For low-income, motivated Latinos. Click here
- Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities: Several scholarships, click here
- for AB540 students
- Orange County Scholarships; Click Here
- Orange County Community Foundation, click here