Healthy Relationships
Having a healthy relationship includes positive line of communication and mutual respect. Here is an example by Human Options of what it would look like.
Warning Signs of Unhealthy Relationships
Many people are in abusive relationships without even knowing it. But all abusive relationships have warning signs. This self-quiz will help you recognize the early warning signs. If you answer “yes” to more than a couple of the following questions, you need to get help now! Call the phone number listed below, speak to Ms. Rocio or another adult you trust.
Does your boyfriend/girlfriend:
- Want to spend every minute together?
- Quiz you about everything you do when you are apart?
- Keep you from seeing old friends or even family members?
- Make fun of you or put you down in public?
- Threaten to do something bad to you, your children or a family member, themselves or even a pet if you break up? Make you feel like you can’t end the relationship?
- Use alcohol or drugs as an excuse for being mean?
- Have an uncontrollable temper?
- Often get upset and refuse to discuss the reasons why?
- Force you to do things that you don’t feel comfortable doing?